Module Cow.Html

(X)HTML library

type t = Xml.t

A sequence of (X)HTML trees.

val doctype : string
val to_string : t -> string

to_string html is a valid (X)HTML5 polyglot string corresponding to the html structure.

val of_string : ?enc:Xml.encoding -> string -> t

of_string ?enc html_str is the tree representation of html_str as decoded by enc. For more information about the default encoding, see Xmlm.inenc.

Note that this function converts all standard entities into their corresponding UTF-8 symbol.

val output : ?nl:bool -> ?indent:int option -> ?ns_prefix:(string -> string option) -> Xmlm.dest -> t -> unit

Outputs valid (X)HTML5 polyglot text from a t. Only non-void element handling is implemented so far. For more information about the parameters, see Xmlm.make_output.

val output_doc : ?nl:bool -> ?indent:int option -> ?ns_prefix:(string -> string option) -> Xmlm.dest -> t -> unit

Outputs a valid (X)HTML5 polyglot document from a t. Only non-void element handling and HTML5 DOCTYPE is implemented so far. For more information about the parameters, see Xmlm.make_output.

HTML library

type rel = [
  1. | `alternate
  2. | `author
  3. | `bookmark
  4. | `help
  5. | `license
  6. | `next
  7. | `nofollow
  8. | `noreferrer
  9. | `prefetch
  10. | `prev
  11. | `search
  12. | `tag
type target = [
  1. | `blank
  2. | `parent
  3. | `self
  4. | `top
  5. | `Frame of string
val a : ?cls:string -> ?attrs:(string * string) list -> ?hreflang:string -> ?rel:rel -> ?target:target -> ?ty:string -> ?title:string -> ?href:Uri.t -> t -> t

a href html generate a link from html to href.

  • parameter title

    specifies extra information about the element that is usually as a tooltip text when the mouse moves over the element. Default: None.

  • parameter target

    Specifies where to open the linked document.

  • parameter rel

    Specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document. Default: None.

  • parameter hreflang

    the language of the linked document. Default: None.

  • parameter ty

    Specifies the media type of the linked document.

type cors = [
  1. | `anonymous
  2. | `use_credentials

Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

val img : ?alt:string -> ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?ismap:Uri.t -> ?title:string -> ?cls:string -> ?crossorigin:cors -> ?attrs:(string * string) list -> Uri.t -> t
val interleave : string array -> t list -> t list
val html_of_string : string -> t
val string : string -> t
val html_of_int : int -> t
  • deprecated

    use int

val int : int -> t
val html_of_float : float -> t
val float : float -> t
type table = t array array
val html_of_table : ?headings:bool -> table -> t
val nil : t
val empty : t
val concat : t list -> t
val list : t list -> t
val some : t option -> t
val append : t -> t -> t

append par ch appends ch to par

val (++) : t -> t -> t
module Create : sig ... end

HTML nodes

type node = ?cls:string -> ?id:string -> ?attrs:(string * string) list -> t -> t

The type for nodes.

val tag : string -> node

tag name t returns <name>t</name> where <name> can have attributes "class" (if cls is given), "id" (if id is given) and other attributes specified by attrs. You are encouraged not to use tag but prefer the specialized versions below whenever possible.

val div : node

div ~cls:"cl" t is <div class="cl">t</div>.

val span : node

div ~cls:"cl" t is <div class="cl">t</div>.

val input : ?cls:string -> ?id:string -> ?attrs:(string * string) list -> ?ty:string -> string -> t

input v returns a button with value "v".

  • parameter ty

    the type of the input. Default: "button".

val br : t
val hr : t
val wbr : t

A "Word Break Opportunity" node.

val param : name:string -> string -> t

param name value return a <param> node to be used in <object>.

val embed : ?width:int -> ?height:int -> ?ty:string -> ?attrs:(string * string) list -> Uri.t -> t

embed uri returns an <embed> node for uri.

val col : ?cls:string -> ?style:string -> ?attrs:(string * string) list -> int -> t

col n return a <col span="n"/> tag to specify properties of columns in a <colgroup>.

val source : ?media:string -> ?ty:string -> Uri.t -> t

source uri returns a <source> tag to be used in an <audio> or <video> tag. It specifies an alternative location uri and its type ty for the browser to choose from.

val track : ?default:bool -> ?label:string -> [ `Captions | `Chapters | `Descriptions | `Metadata | `Subtitles of string ] -> Uri.t -> t

track uri returns a <track> node to insert in an <audio> or <video> tag. The argument of `Subtitles is the language of the track.

val keygen : ?autofocus:bool -> ?disabled:bool -> ?form:string -> ?challenge:bool -> ?keytype:[ `RSA | `DSA | `EC ] -> string -> t

keygen name return a <keygen> tag that specifies a key-pair generator field used for forms.

val anchor : string -> t
val h1 : node
val h2 : node
val h3 : node
val h4 : node
val h5 : node
val h6 : node
val li : node
val dt : node
val dd : node
val ul : ?add_li:bool -> ?cls:string -> ?id:string -> ?attrs:(string * string) list -> ?licls:string -> t list -> t
val ol : ?add_li:bool -> ?cls:string -> ?id:string -> ?attrs:(string * string) list -> ?licls:string -> t list -> t
val dl : ?add_dtdd:bool -> ?cls:string -> ?id:string -> ?attrs:(string * string) list -> ?dtcls:string -> ?ddcls:string -> (t * t) list -> t
val p : node
val blockquote : ?cls:string -> ?id:string -> ?attrs:(string * string) list -> ?cite:Uri.t -> t -> t
val pre : node
val figure : ?cls:string -> ?id:string -> ?attrs:(string * string) list -> ?figcaption:t -> t -> t
val main : node
val s : node

The <s> tag specifies text that is no longer correct, accurate or relevant. The <s> tag should not be used to define replaced or deleted text, use the <del> for that purpose.

val cite : node
val q : ?cls:string -> ?id:string -> ?attrs:(string * string) list -> ?cite:Uri.t -> t -> t
val dfn : ?cls:string -> ?id:string -> ?attrs:(string * string) list -> ?title:string -> t -> t
val abbr : ?cls:string -> ?id:string -> ?attrs:(string * string) list -> ?title:string -> t -> t
val data : ?cls:string -> ?id:string -> ?attrs:(string * string) list -> value:string -> t -> t
val time : ?cls:string -> ?id:string -> ?attrs:(string * string) list -> ?datetime:string -> t -> t
val code : node
val sub : node
val sup : node
val b : node
val u : node
val mark : node
val bdi : node
val bdo : node
val ruby : node
val rb : node
val rt : node
val rtc : node
val rp : node
val aside : node
val ins : ?cls:string -> ?id:string -> ?attrs:(string * string) list -> ?cite:Uri.t -> ?datetime:string -> t -> t
val del : ?cls:string -> ?id:string -> ?attrs:(string * string) list -> ?cite:Uri.t -> ?datetime:string -> t -> t
val html : node
val title : node
val header : node
val body : node
val nav : node
val section : node
val article : node
val address : node
val script : ?src:Uri.t -> ?ty:string -> ?charset:string -> ?integrity:string -> ?crossorigin:cors -> t -> t

Head elements

val head : node

link uri returns a <link href="uri"> element to be put in the <head>.

val meta : ?cls:string -> ?id:string -> ?name:string -> ?content:string -> ?charset:string -> (string * string) list -> t

meta attrs returns a <meta> tag to be put in the <head>.

val base : ?cls:string -> ?id:string -> ?attrs:(string * string) list -> ?target:string -> Uri.t -> t

base uri returns a <base href="uri" /> tag that specifies the base URI for all relative URLs in the HTML document.

val style : ?media:string -> ?scoped:bool -> string -> t

style css return a <style> tag giving the css directives. This tag is typically found in the <head>. In the <body> of the document, scoped must be set to true.

  • parameter scoped

    Specifies that the styles only apply to this element's parent element and that element's child elements. Only for HTML5. Default: false.

  • parameter media

    Specifies what media/device the media resource is optimized for.

Discouraged HTML tags

Most of the tags below are not deprecated in HTML5 but are discouraged in favor of using CSS stylesheets.

val small : node
val i : node

In HTML5, it is not guaranteed that it will render text in italics.

  • deprecated

    Use CSS instead.

val tt : node

The <tt> tag is not supported in HTML5.

  • deprecated

    Use CSS instead.

val em : node
val strong : node
val var : node
val kbd : node
val samp : node