parameter row a function to transform a single row of the input table (a single element of the list, that is) into a list of elements, each of which will occupy a cell in a row of the table.
a list of (probably) tuples representing a table.
See the following example:
let row = (fun (name,email) -> [ <:html<$str:name$>>; <:html<$str:email$>>]) in
let data =
\[ "Name","Email Address";
"John Christopher McAlpine","christophermcalpine\";
"Somebody McElthein","johnqpublic\@something.something";
"John Doe","johndoe\"; \] in
let table = Html.Create ~flags:[Headings_fst_row] ~row data
which produces the HTML table
Name | Email Address |
John Christopher McAlpine | christophermcalpine\ |
Somebody McElthein | johnqpublic\@something.something |
John Doe | johndoe\ |