Module Irmin_traces.Trace_stat_summary_pp

Pretty printing of one or more summaries.

This file is NOT meant to be used from Tezos, as opposed to some other "trace_*" files.

This file contains A LOT of uninteresting boilerplate in order to build the pretty-printable table. Doing this using pandas-like multi-level dataframes would make the thing much more simpler.

module Summary = Trace_stat_summary
module Pb : sig ... end
val fprintf_result : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> string -> string -> string -> string -> string -> float -> unit
type summary = Summary.t
type scalar_format_fixed = [
  1. | `SM
  2. | `S3
  3. | `Sm
  4. | `Su
  5. | `RG
  6. | `RM
  7. | `Ri
  8. | `R3
  9. | `P

Seconds minutes, Seconds 3 digits, Seconds milli, Seconds micro, Real giga, Real mega, Real as integer, Real 3 digits, Percent

val pp_scalar_fixed : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ([< `P | `R3 | `RG | `RM | `Ri | `S3 | `SM | `Sm | `Su ] * float) -> unit
module Table0 : sig ... end


module Table1 : sig ... end


module Table2 : sig ... end
module Table3 : sig ... end
module Table4 : sig ... end


val unsafe_pp : int -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> string list -> Summary.t list -> unit
val pp : int -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> (string list * Summary.t list) -> unit