This package adds networking support, including TLS. Libraries should not need to link against this package (just use capnp-rpc instead), since they generally shouldn't care whether services are local or remote.
module S : sig ... end
Module signatures.
module Endpoint : sig ... end
Send and receive capnp messages over a byte-stream.
module Two_party_network : sig ... end
A network where the is only one other addressable party.
module Auth : sig ... end
Vat-level authentication and encryption.
module Tls_wrapper : sig ... end
module Restorer : sig ... end
module type VAT_NETWORK =
with type 'a capability := 'a Capnp_rpc.Std.Capability.t
and type restorer := Restorer.t
and type service_id := Restorer.Id.t
and type 'a sturdy_ref := 'a Capnp_rpc.Std.Sturdy_ref.t
Stretching capability references across a network link. Note: see Capnp_rpc_unix
for a higher-level wrapper for this API.
module Networking (N : S.NETWORK) : VAT_NETWORK with module Network = N
Stretching capability references across a network link. Note: see Capnp_rpc_unix
for a higher-level wrapper for this API.
module Capnp_address : sig ... end
Handling of capnp:// URI format addresses. This code is shared between the unix and mirage networks.