Module Capnp_rpc_net.Endpoint

Send and receive capnp messages over a byte-stream.

val src : Logs.src

Control the log level.

type t

A wrapper for a byte-stream (flow).

val send : t -> 'a Capnp.BytesMessage.Message.t -> unit

send t msg enqueues msg.

val run_writer : tags:Logs.Tag.set -> t -> unit

run_writer ~tags t runs a loop that transmits batches of messages from t. It returns when the flow is closed.

val recv : tags:Logs.Tag.set -> t -> ( Capnp.BytesMessage.Message.t, [> `Closed ]) Stdlib.result

recv ~tags t reads the next message from the remote peer. It returns Error `Closed if the connection to the peer is lost.

val of_flow : peer_id:Auth.Digest.t -> _ Eio.Flow.two_way -> t

of_flow ~peer_id flow sends and receives on flow.

val peer_id : t -> Auth.Digest.t

peer_id t is the fingerprint of the peer's public key, or Auth.Digest.insecure if TLS isn't being used.

val shutdown_send : t -> unit

shutdown_send t closes the writer, causing run_writer to return once all buffered data has been written.

val disconnect : t -> unit

disconnect t shuts down the underlying flow.