Module Make.Filter

The Filter module contains types used by search and enumeration interfaces which describe ways to perform result filtering directly in the GitHub API.

type state = [
| `All
| `Open
| `Closed

state is the activation state of a pull request, milestone, or issue. See Pull.for_repo, Milestone.for_repo, and Issue.for_repo.

type milestone_sort = [
| `Due_date
| `Completeness

milestone_sort is the field by which to sort a collection of milestones. See Milestone.for_repo.

type issue_sort = [
| `Created
| `Updated
| `Comments

issue_sort is the field by which to sort a collection of issues. See Issue.for_repo.

type issue_comment_sort = [
| `Created
| `Updated

issue_comment_sort is the field by which to sort a collection of issue comments. See Issue.comments_for_repo.

type repo_sort = [
| `Stars
| `Forks
| `Updated

repo_sort is the field by which to sort a collection of repositories. See Search.repos.

type forks_sort = [
| `Newest
| `Oldest
| `Stargazers

forks_sort is the bias used when sorting a collection of forks. See Repo.forks.

type direction = [
| `Asc
| `Desc

direction is the sortation precedence.

type milestone = [
| `Any
| `None
| `Num of int

milestone is the filter predicate for issues. See Issue.for_repo.

type user = [
| `Any
| `None
| `Login of string

user is the filter predicate for issues. See Issue.for_repo.

type 'a range = [
| `Range of 'a option * 'a option
| `Lt of 'a
| `Lte of 'a
| `Eq of 'a
| `Gte of 'a
| `Gt of 'a

'a range is the type of range expressions in search queries. `Range is inclusive. See qualifier.

type repo_field = [
| `Name
| `Description
| `Readme

repo_field is a repository search field selector. See `In in qualifier.

type date = string

date is the YYYY-MM-DD representation of a day.

type issue_qualifier = [
| `Author of string
| `Assignee of string
| `Mentions of string
| `Commenter of string
| `Involves of string
| `Team of string
| `Label of string
| `Without_label of string
| `Language of string
| `Created of date range
| `Updated of date range
| `Merged of date range
| `Closed of date range
| `User of string
| `Repo of string
| `Project of string

issue_qualifier is the type of issue search query predicates.

type qualifier = [
| `In of repo_field list
| `Size of int range
| `Stars of int range
| `Forks of int range
| `Fork of [ `True | `Only ]
| `Created of date range
| `Pushed of date range
| `User of string
| `Language of string

qualifier is the type of repository search query predicates.