Module Fat_name

type datetime = {
year : int;
month : int;
day : int;
hours : int;
mins : int;
secs : int;
ms : int;
val epoch : datetime
type lfn = {
lfn_deleted : bool;
lfn_last : bool;(*

marks the highest sequence number

lfn_seq : int;
lfn_checksum : int;
lfn_utf16_name : string;

Long filename entry: the same size as an original DOS disk entry

type dos = {
filename : string;(*

8 chars

ext : string;(*

3 chars

deleted : bool;
read_only : bool;
hidden : bool;
system : bool;
volume : bool;
subdir : bool;
archive : bool;
create : datetime;
access : datetime;
modify : datetime;
start_cluster : int;
file_size : int32;
is_dot : bool;
is_dotdot : bool;

A DOS disk entry

type single_entry =
| Dos of dos
| Lfn of lfn
| End(*

Useful for streaming entries to/from the disk

type r = {
utf_filename : string;
dos : int * dos;
lfns : (int * lfn) list;

A high-level directory entry, complete with reconstructed UTF name and offsets of each individual entry on the disk

val fake_root_entry : r
val file_size_of : r -> int32
val deleted : r -> bool
val filename_of : r -> string
val to_single_entries : r -> single_entry list
val dos_name_of_filename : string -> string * string
val compute_checksum : dos -> int

Returns the checksum corresponding to the 8.3 DOS filename

val make : ?read_only:bool -> ?system:bool -> ?subdir:bool -> string -> r
val to_string : r -> string

to_string r returns a canonical version of the name in UTF-8

val to_pretty_string : r -> string

to_pretty_string r returns a pretty version of the filename, containing both legacy DOS, extra UTF16, size and time components.

val int_to_hms : int -> int * int * int
val hms_to_int : (int * int * int) -> int
val int_of_time : datetime -> int
val time_of_int : int -> int -> int -> datetime
val int_of_date : datetime -> int
val unmarshal : Cstruct.t -> single_entry

unmarshal slot parses a single directory entry from slot

val marshal : Cstruct.t -> single_entry -> unit

marshal slot single_entry writes single_entry into slot

val sizeof : int

the size in bytes of a single_entry

val blocks : Cstruct.t -> (int * Cstruct.t) list

blocks bits returns the directory chopped into individual bitstrings, each one containing a possible name (fragment)

val fold : ( 'a -> int -> r -> 'a ) -> 'a -> Cstruct.t -> 'a

fold f initial bits folds f acc offset dir_entry across all the reconstructed directory entries contained in bits.

val list : Cstruct.t -> r list

list bits returns a list of valid (not deleted) directory entries contained within the directory bits

val next : Cstruct.t -> int option

next bits returns the bit offset of a free directory slot. Note this function does not recycle deleted elements.

val add : Cstruct.t -> r -> Fat_update.t list

add block t return the update required to add t to the directory block. Note the update may be beyond the end of block indicating more space needs to be allocated.

val name_match : string -> r -> bool
val find : string -> r list -> r option

find name list returns Some d where d is a name with name name (or None)

val remove : Cstruct.t -> string -> Fat_update.t list

remove buf filename erases any entries corresponding to filename from buf

val modify : Cstruct.t -> string -> int32 -> int -> Fat_update.t list

modify buf filename file_size start_cluster changes any entry corresponding to filename in buf to have file_size and start_cluster