Module Dns.Rcode

Response code

Each DNS reply includes a 4bit response code which signals the status of the request.

type t =
  1. | NoError
  2. | FormErr
  3. | ServFail
  4. | NXDomain
  5. | NotImp
  6. | Refused
  7. | YXDomain
  8. | YXRRSet
  9. | NXRRSet
  10. | NotAuth
  11. | NotZone
  12. | BadVersOrSig
  13. | BadKey
  14. | BadTime
  15. | BadMode
  16. | BadName
  17. | BadAlg
  18. | BadTrunc
  19. | BadCookie

    The type of response codes.

val pp : t Fmt.t

pp ppf rcode pretty-prints the rcode on ppf.

val compare : t -> t -> int

compare a b compares the response code a with b using the RFC-specified integer representation of response codes.

val to_string : t -> string

to_string t is a string representation of t.