type encoding = [
type signal = [
`Data of string
`Dtd of dtd
`El_start of tag
type error = [
`Expected_char_seqs of string list * string
`Illegal_char_ref of string
`Illegal_char_seq of string
`Unknown_encoding of string
`Unknown_entity_ref of string
`Unknown_ns_prefix of string
type source = [
`Channel of Stdlib.in_channel
`Fun of unit -> int
`String of int * std_string
type !'a frag = [
`Data of string
`El of tag * 'a list
type dest = [
`Buffer of std_buffer
`Channel of Stdlib.out_channel
`Fun of int -> unit
val make_output :
?decl:bool ->
?nl:bool ->
?indent:int option ->
?ns_prefix:(string -> string option) ->
dest ->
val output_depth : output -> int
val output_tree : ('a -> 'a frag) -> output -> 'a -> unit
val output_doc_tree : ('a -> 'a frag) -> output -> (dtd * 'a) -> unit