val pp_error :
Stdlib.Format.formatter ->
[< `Exn of exn | `Refused | `Timeout ] ->
val pp_write_error :
Stdlib.Format.formatter ->
[< `Closed | `Exn of exn | `Refused | `Timeout ] ->
val ignore_canceled : exn -> unit Lwt.t
val disconnect : 'a -> unit Lwt.t
val read :
Lwt_unix.file_descr ->
([> `Data of Cstruct.t | `Eof ], [> `Exn of exn ]) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val write :
Lwt_unix.file_descr ->
Cstruct.t ->
(unit, [> `Closed | `Exn of exn ]) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val writev :
Lwt_unix.file_descr ->
Cstruct.t list ->
(unit, [> `Closed | `Exn of exn ]) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val write_nodelay :
Lwt_unix.file_descr ->
Cstruct.t ->
(unit, [> `Closed | `Exn of exn ]) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val writev_nodelay :
Lwt_unix.file_descr ->
Cstruct.t list ->
(unit, [> `Closed | `Exn of exn ]) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val close : Lwt_unix.file_descr -> unit Lwt.t
val shutdown :
Lwt_unix.file_descr ->
[< `read | `read_write | `write ] ->
unit Lwt.t