type action =
| Passive_open
| Recv_rst
| Recv_synack of Sequence.t
| Recv_ack of Sequence.t
| Recv_fin
| Send_syn of Sequence.t
| Send_synack of Sequence.t
| Send_rst
| Send_fin of Sequence.t
| Timeout
val pp_action : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> action -> unit
type tcpstate =
| Closed
| Listen
| Syn_rcvd of Sequence.t
| Syn_sent of Sequence.t
| Established
| Close_wait
| Last_ack of Sequence.t
| Fin_wait_1 of Sequence.t
| Fin_wait_2 of int
| Closing of Sequence.t
| Time_wait
| Reset
val pp_tcpstate : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> tcpstate -> unit
val on_close : t -> unit
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val finwait2timer : t -> int -> int64 -> unit Lwt.t
val timewait : t -> int64 -> unit Lwt.t