type ('hash, _) unsafe_state = private
| Direct : {
hash : 'hash;
offset : Optint.Int63.t;
length : int;
volume_identifier : Lower.volume_identifier option;
} -> ('hash, safe) unsafe_state
A "direct" pointer to a value stored at offset
in the pack-file (with hash hash
and length length
). Such keys can be dereferenced from the store with a single IO read, without needing to consult the index.
They are built in-memory (e.g. after adding a fresh value to the pack file), but have no corresponding encoding format, as the pack format keeps length information with the values themselves.
When decoding a inode, which references its children as single offsets, we fetch the length information of the child at the same time as fetching its hash (which we must do anyway in order to do an integrity check), creating keys of this form.
*)| Indexed : 'hash -> ('hash, safe) unsafe_state
A pointer to an object in the pack file that is indexed. Reading the object necessitates consulting the index, after which the key can be promoted to Direct
Such keys result from decoding pointers to other store objects (nodes or commits) from commits or from the branch store.
*)| Offset : Optint.Int63.t -> ('hash, unsafe) unsafe_state
Same as Direct
, but the hash and length of the object have not been fetched. Only used to speed up the GC traversal.
type 'hash state = ('hash, safe) unsafe_state
A key k
is "undereferencable" with respect to some store handle t
if find t k <> Some _
. Such keys should not arise during regular operation of a single Irmin repository, but are still technically constructible in the following ways:
(or mem
).val v_direct :
offset:Optint.Int63.t ->
length:int ->
?volume_identifier:Lower.volume_identifier ->
'h ->
'h t
val v_indexed : 'h -> 'h t
val v_offset : Optint.Int63.t -> 'h t
val promote_exn :
offset:Optint.Int63.t ->
length:int ->
?volume_identifier:Lower.volume_identifier ->
'h t ->
val set_volume_identifier_exn :
volume_identifier:Lower.volume_identifier option ->
'h t ->
val to_offset : 'h t -> Optint.Int63.t option
val to_hash : 'h t -> 'h
val to_length : 'h t -> int option
module type S = sig ... end
module type Store_spec = sig ... end
module Store_spec : Store_spec