module Io = Io
module Errs : Io_errors.S
module Sparse : Sparse_file.S
type open_error = [
| Io.open_error
| `Closed
| `Double_close
| `Corrupted_control_file of string
| `Unknown_major_pack_version of string
val v : string -> (t, [> open_error ]) Stdlib.result
v path
loads the volume at path
in read-only.
val path : t -> string
path t
is the directory that contains the volume.
val is_empty : t -> bool
is_empty t
returns whether t
is empty or not.
val control : t -> Control_file.Payload.Volume.Latest.t option
control t
returns the control file payload for the volume.
val identifier : t -> string
identifier t
is a unique idendifier for the volume.