module _ : Irmin_pack.Conf.S
include Irmin.Key.Store_spec.S
with type ('h, _) contents_key = 'h
with type 'h node_key = 'h
with type 'h commit_key = 'h
module Make
(Schema : Irmin.Schema.Extended) :
with type Schema.Hash.t = Schema.Hash.t
and type Schema.Branch.t = Schema.Branch.t
and type Schema.Metadata.t = Schema.Metadata.t
and type Schema.Path.t = Schema.Path.t
and type Schema.Path.step = Schema.Path.step
and type Schema.Contents.t = Schema.Contents.t
and type Schema.Info.t = Schema.Info.t
and type contents_key = (Schema.Hash.t, Schema.Contents.t) contents_key
and type node_key = Schema.Hash.t node_key
and type commit_key = Schema.Hash.t commit_key
and type Backend.Remote.endpoint = endpoint