Module type Inode.Snapshot

type hash
type metadata
type kinded_hash =
  1. | Contents of hash * metadata
  2. | Node of hash
val kinded_hash_t : kinded_hash Irmin.Type.t
type entry = {
  1. step : string;
  2. hash : kinded_hash;
val entry_t : entry Irmin.Type.t
type inode_tree = {
  1. depth : int;
  2. length : int;
  3. pointers : (int * hash) list;
val inode_tree_t : inode_tree Irmin.Type.t
type v =
  1. | Inode_tree of inode_tree
  2. | Inode_value of entry list
val v_t : v Irmin.Type.t
type inode = {
  1. v : v;
  2. root : bool;
val inode_t : inode Irmin.Type.t