module Append_only : Irmin.Append_only.Maker
module Atomic_write : Irmin.Atomic_write.Maker
include Irmin.Maker
include Irmin.Key.Store_spec.S
with type ('h, _) contents_key = 'h
with type 'h node_key = 'h
with type 'h commit_key = 'h
module Make (Schema : Irmin.Schema.S) : sig ... end
module KV : Irmin.KV_maker with type info = Irmin.Info.default
module Append_only_ext (C : Irmin_fs.Config) : Irmin.Append_only.Maker
module Atomic_write_ext (C : Irmin_fs.Config) : Irmin.Atomic_write.Maker
module Maker_ext (Obj : Irmin_fs.Config) (Ref : Irmin_fs.Config) : Irmin.Maker
include module type of Irmin_unix
This module provides utilities for Unix applications.
module Info = Irmin_unix.Info.Make
val info :
?author:string ->
('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit, unit -> Irmin.Info.default)
Stdlib.format4 ->