Module Sendmail_mirage.Make


module Clock : Mirage_clock.PCLOCK
module Socket : Mirage_flow.S
module Happy_eyeballs : Happy_eyeballs_mirage.S with type flow = Socket.flow


val submit : ?encoder:(unit -> bytes) -> ?decoder:(unit -> bytes) -> ?queue:(unit -> (char, Stdlib.Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt) Ke.Rke.t) -> Happy_eyeballs.t -> destination: [ `Domain_name of [ `host ] Domain_name.t | `Ipaddrs of Ipaddr.t list ] -> ?port:int -> domain:Colombe.Domain.t -> ?cfg:Tls.Config.client -> ?authenticator:X509.Authenticator.t -> ?authentication:Sendmail.authentication -> Colombe.Reverse_path.t -> Colombe.Forward_path.t list -> (unit -> (string * int * int) option Lwt.t) -> (unit, [> `Msg of string | Sendmail_with_starttls.error ]) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val sendmail : ?encoder:(unit -> bytes) -> ?decoder:(unit -> bytes) -> ?queue:(unit -> (char, Stdlib.Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt) Ke.Rke.t) -> Happy_eyeballs.t -> destination: [ `Domain_name of [ `host ] Domain_name.t | `Ipaddrs of Ipaddr.t list ] -> ?port:int -> domain:Colombe.Domain.t -> ?cfg:Tls.Config.client -> ?authenticator:X509.Authenticator.t -> ?authentication:Sendmail.authentication -> Colombe.Reverse_path.t -> Colombe.Forward_path.t list -> (unit -> (string * int * int) option Lwt.t) -> (unit, [> `Msg of string | Sendmail_with_starttls.error ]) Stdlib.result Lwt.t