Module Dhcp_server.Input

The logic for handling a DHCP input packet is pure, the module does not perform any IO, it only returns a possible reply packet or event to be logged.

A typical server main loop would do its own IO for receiving a packet, then input with Input.input_pkt and send out the resulting reply.

type result =
  1. | Silence

    Input packet didn't belong to us, normal nop event.

  2. | Update of Lease.database

    Lease database update.

  3. | Reply of Dhcp_wire.pkt * Lease.database

    Reply packet to be sent back and the corresponding lease database to be used in case the sent of the reply pkt is successfull

  4. | Warning of string

    An odd event, could be logged.

  5. | Error of string

    Input packet is invalid, or some other error ocurred.


The result of input_pkt.

val for_us : Config.t -> Dhcp_wire.pkt -> bool

Check the packet headers, true if the packet is destined for us.

val input_pkt : Config.t -> Lease.database -> Dhcp_wire.pkt -> int32 -> result

input_pkt config lease_db pkt time Inputs packet pkt, lease_db is the current lease database state, the resulting action should be performed by the caller, normally a Reply packet is returned and should be sent back. time is a int32 representing time as monotonic seconds.

val collect_replies_test : Config.t -> Macaddr.t -> Dhcp_wire.option_code list -> Dhcp_wire.dhcp_option list

Internal function exported for regression tests. Don't use this.