Module Ppx_deriving_rpcty.Typ_of

val expr_of_typ : loc:Ppxlib.location -> Ppxlib.core_type -> Ppxlib.expression

expr_of_typ ~loc typ returns an expression of type `Rpc.Types.typ` that represents the core_type typ`.

type field_def = {
f_name : string;
rpc_name : string;
value_name : string;
expr : Ppxlib.expression;
default : Ppxlib.expression option;
typ : Ppxlib.expression;
val str_of_type : Ppxlib__.Location.t -> Ppxlib.type_declaration -> Ppxlib__.Import.value_binding list

str_of_type loc type_decl returns a list of value bindings that are values of type `Rpc.Types.def` and `Rpc.Types.typ` that represent the newly defined type.