Module Smart.Want

type ('uid, 'reference) t = private {
  1. wants : 'uid * 'uid list;
  2. shallows : 'uid list;
  3. deepen : [ `Depth of int | `Timestamp of int64 | `Not of 'reference ] option;
  4. filter : Smart__.Filter.t option;
  5. capabilities : Capability.t list;
val v : capabilities:Capability.t list -> ?deepen:[ `Depth of int | `Timestamp of int64 | `Not of 'reference ] -> ?filter:Smart__.Filter.t -> ?shallows:'uid list -> 'uid list -> ('uid, 'reference) t
val pp : (string, string) t Fmt.t
val equal : uid:('uid -> 'uid -> bool) -> reference:('ref -> 'ref -> bool) -> ('uid, 'ref) t -> ('uid, 'ref) t -> bool