val atomic_add :
's Carton.scheduler ->
't ->
buffers ->
('t, Uid.t, 'error, 's) store ->
hdr:(buffer:Cstruct.t -> Carton.Dec.v -> Cstruct.t) ->
Carton.Dec.v ->
((Uid.t * int, [> `Store of 'error | `Non_atomic ]) Stdlib.result, 's) io
val add :
's Carton.scheduler ->
't ->
buffers ->
('t, Uid.t, 'error, 's) store ->
hdr:Cstruct.t ->
(unit -> (string option, 's) io) ->
((Uid.t * int, [> `Store of 'error ]) Stdlib.result, 's) io
val atomic_get :
's Carton.scheduler ->
't ->
buffers ->
('t, Uid.t, 'error, 's) store ->
hdr:(Cstruct.t -> Cstruct.t * kind * int64) ->
Uid.t ->
((Carton.Dec.v, [> `Non_atomic ]) Stdlib.result, 's) io
val size_and_kind :
's Carton.scheduler ->
't ->
buffers ->
('t, Uid.t, 'error, 's) store ->
hdr:(Cstruct.t -> Cstruct.t * kind * int64) ->
Uid.t ->
((int64 * kind, [> `Malformed ]) Stdlib.result, 's) io
val get :
's Carton.scheduler ->
't ->
buffers ->
('t, Uid.t, 'error, 's) store ->
hdr:(Cstruct.t -> Cstruct.t * kind * int64) ->
Uid.t ->
((Carton.Dec.v, [> `Msg of string ]) Stdlib.result, 's) io