Module Dns_certify_mirage.Make


module S : Tcpip.Stack.V4V6


val retrieve_certificate : S.t -> ([ `raw ] Domain_name.t * Dns.Dnskey.t) -> hostname:[ `host ] Domain_name.t -> ?additional_hostnames:[ `raw ] Domain_name.t list -> ?key_type:X509.Key_type.t -> ?key_data:string -> ?key_seed:string -> ?bits:int -> S.TCP.ipaddr -> int -> (X509.Certificate.t list * X509.Private_key.t, [ `Msg of string ]) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

retrieve_certificate stack dns_key ~hostname ~key_type ~key_data ~key_seed ~bits server_ip port generates a private key (using key_type, key_data, key_seed, and bits), a certificate signing request for the given hostname and additional_hostnames, and sends server_ip an nsupdate (DNS-TSIG with dns_key) with the csr as TLSA record, awaiting for a matching certificate as TLSA record. Requires a service that interacts with let's encrypt to transform the CSR into a signed certificate. If something fails, an exception (via is raised. This is meant for unikernels that require a valid TLS certificate before they can start their service (i.e. most web servers, mail servers).